F. It is a freeware display light adjusting application that's efficient, easy-to-use and powerful.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Piece of software designed as a customization tool for display, so computer's colors can adjust to the outside light. Screenshot of f.lux - 1770px · 939pxAdapt the light on screen to the light of the day. Screenshot of f.lux - 1770px · 939pxAutomate your screen brightness for night or day. Screenshot of f.lux - 1770px · 939pxModifies computer display adapting to night and day. Screenshot of f.lux - 1770px · 939pxf.lux: User interface. Screenshot of f.lux - 1554px · 1422pxScreenshot of f.lux - Size: 1554px · 1422px